Source code for

A collection of exceptions to handle regular failures from exchange APIs.

[docs]class ExchangeException(Exception): pass
[docs]class CancelOrderNotFoundError(ExchangeException): pass
[docs]class InsufficientFundsError(ExchangeException): pass
[docs]class MinimumOrderSizeError(ExchangeException): pass
[docs]class NonceError(ExchangeException): pass
[docs]class NoEffectOrderCancelledError(ExchangeException): pass
[docs]class ExchangeAPIFailureException(ExchangeException): def __init__(self, exchange, response=None, message=''): if response != None and message: raise ValueError('Only specify one of response and message') if message: error_message = message else: error_message = 'No response' if response == None else response.text message = '[%s] %s' % (, error_message) super(ExchangeAPIFailureException, self).__init__(message) = exchange self.response = response
[docs]class ExchangeAPIErrorException(ExchangeException): def __init__(self, exchange, message): super_message = '[%s] %s' % (, message) super(ExchangeAPIErrorException, self).__init__(super_message) = exchange self.message = message
[docs]class CachedOrderbookFailure(ExchangeException): def __init__(self, exchange, message): super_message = '[%s] %s' % (, message) super(CachedOrderbookFailure, self).__init__(super_message)
[docs]class ExchangeNotIntegratedError(ExchangeException): """ This exception is used to indicate that the user is trying to trade on an exchange that Gryphon doesn't know about or hasn't been integrated. """ def __init__(self, exchange_name): message = """Gryphon does not have an integration for the exchange named %s. Maybe you forgot to qualify the exchange name with its trading pair, like BITSTAMP_BTC_USD, or maybe Gryphon just doesn\'t support that exchange.""" % exchange_name super(ExchangeNotIntegratedError, self).__init__(message)